Dec 19, 2007

Imagine the hypothesis

I am feeling low actually psyched out. why?? its an illusion for me.. if any one here can help that would be great.. but can any one help ny body out is it possible in life.. or do we really help anyone.. actually this is confused same as my state of mind.
I have decided to write my life as it is going on in IIM. code words be used

So today I am feeling dull. why?? a small instance of walking out and thn the following instances. dont know what has happened but have decided to be more or less be a non- interactor.

Just now baccha came to my room. he has won first competition of his life wanted to share his joy but a cold response from me and that was intentional was what he found. i am happy tht i am successful and I know this is not right. lets see what happens and how the drama unfolds.

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