Jul 25, 2008

just like that

I am ill i want to sleep but sleep is betraying me. why it betrays you when you want it most. why it comes to you when you are in class listening to prof. ohh sorry definitely not listening when ur sleeping. I never understand why I never taped lectures of profs.. so that I cn sleep at room too.. ohh mobile is not allowed..but we carry it so why not record... ohh who wants to sleep listening to them please is it not enough tht we listen to them in class.. but why some prof don't make you sleep.. think they must have slept in classes or is it that everyone slept but they remember what made them slept but they are also unable to stop students from sleeping...some students dont slleep in any class as they have to sit in first 3 benches but some slleep even though they dont want to as last bench provides conducive envioronment for sleeping..
you write this type of blog entry when you want to sleep but cant sleep but 1 of my friends said that your mind is like a tv and u hve the remote.. just change the channel..so I am putting it into sleep mode now..lets see does remote work ??

Jul 16, 2008

thank you all who introduce me to blog writing

Hey I would like to thank all who have introduced me to blog or anyway helped me to make my blog bettree..:)

firstly I would thank Ankur to introduce me to concept of Blogss.. by asking me to read his post ...

than i would thank Ankur to inspire me to start writing a blog

Than I would thank Ankur to give my blog the look which it have today

Than again I would thank Ankur for becoming the first person to comment on my blog.

and I would thank gunj to post first comment by a stranger :)

So its Ankur all the way
So why should not I tag Ankur for this :)

Jul 11, 2008

finding reasons to be happy

I am really happy today why I dont know this is the happiness I am looking for happy without reason.. Have anyone of you felt like this anytime when you felt certain emotions without being logical about it. Today , I am facing one such emotion I am happy without realising the why and more important is without asking also ..i dont want to know the reason of happiness I just want to be happy ::))))

Jul 9, 2008

once upon the time thr lived a person who had so much ego that you would not like talking to him at any moment. he would never understood you but will only say his voice. he would always try to demean you.. he would think that he is the best in whatever he do. he never realised what he spoke does not made any sense most of the time . he never realised that he was one of the most hated person around. he would always believe he is the best, actually I think it was right thinking like that if he really was but he really was nt. he believed that everyone should work according to him and really he was one of the worst person I have ever met.
but when i came to know him from close I realised he was not that bad, it was just that he required someone to love him truly. whatever he loved went away frm him.. be the game he loved , be the insti he wanted, be the friend, be the girl he loved or be nything........and thn he tried to show that he was nt affected by it all.. was it true can it happen ,was he not human .. he was or wasnt does not hold any value, the only thing hold value is how bad he i noww.....

He is.........