Feb 10, 2008

hopes remain unfulfilled

I came to IIM with an hope of mutual transfer of knowledge with those around me. the system of IIm's since we are flooded with assignments never actually allow us to work in a group its always divide the work and group..

So some of us decided to start a group and I took the lead. My plan for the groups were too big, in the hindsight, but I did a mistake I never took the views of my group members. it was always about me I think and when this happens you know the results are. Today I have left the group as I have understood the preferences are different. As a souveneir of one more unsuccesful attempt of doing something I would write here in the blog about the group

Firstly I thought I would introduce the whole group but now I think I would go with a group introdn

The group was lively no doubt about that, each member was brilliant and filled with ideas and contributed immensely to the group but slowly the spirit died or as I can see the IIM won again. the workload took its toll those who have promised to themselves to be different were taken y the river of exams and flurry of assignments. the post were getting vacant slowly like in the case of Lord of the rings( alas here no one came to help) as leader himself was full of attitude and did not foresee what was coming. he remained too much preoccupied in himself wanted everyone to work according to his prerogative. He was insensitive and did not understood others reasons. result can be foreseen by a child it was crystal clear as a result of a deer in front of cheetah the group slowly died members leaving the group.
Now situation has come to a level where if group is not dis bundled than the problem might result in some issues among group member. I know that therefore will allow to die a slow painful death as I cant see any other path.

Today I am sad, angry and exasperated and what not. I would always remember "Sector Analysts"

Hey it was gr8 working with all the group members an immensely talented pool of individuals with whom I might not get a chance to work much now as the "SECRET SOCIETY" has ended. the fun and enjoyment was immense it was really gr8.

Hope it never ended............................................................


Ankur said...

There are many times in life you dont achieve what you wanted to, but that is never the end of the world...

Wish u Peace!!!

Anonymous said...

oops...I know am very late in readin it...
but I never knew that the grp had actually died..:(
I was still under the belief that we are reviving the work of dis grp after we return to the alma mater..
nyhow...lets c wht time has in store for the elite secret scoeity..;)

One of the grp members..:)

Prashant evolving.. said...


Hey see u only said tht we r going to revive the work of group wht tht i mean from tht.. and why you are anonymous..

Amrithaa said...

its jus one failed effort :)
now tat why it died is clear, maybe this time it might be different... lets wait to get back and try :)

Prashant evolving.. said...

@ amrithha .. lets see what happens I am getting some hope.